Engage and convert your ideal customer
storytelling for businesses of all sizes
Mission, Vision and Manifesto: Tell the world who you are.
Using my trademark Core Messaging methodology we'll work together to get right to the core of your vision and craft messaging that will help you communicate who you are, what you do and why you do it. And if you have a mission to change your corner of the world, I can help you get a start on crafting your manifesto.
Pricing begins at 349 euros for one custom CM mission/vision session by Skype or in person at my office in Amsterdam, plus email support before and after.
Additional sessions such as manifesto building may be added to package as needed.
become your audience: what makes great copywriting
Average copywriting communicates your basic message in appealing language.
Good copywriting reaches your ideal client as well as a trusted advisor or friend might.
Great copywriting is both of these, with the added bonus of being compelling. Action-inspiring. Able to create a win-win that's so clear to your ideal client that trust is established and connection is made.
I work with a limited number of companies each year who are going for Great in their copywriting, particularly when it's about some aspect of innovation and communicating your big ideas. Please get in touch below to inquire about the next available opening.